Fraxtal incentives
Flox farms

Flox Farms

The Flox Farms allows you to earn FXTL points by utilizing your assets in the Fraxtal ecosystem.

You can find the available Flox Farms in the Farms Dashboard (opens in a new tab).

How Farms Work

When you deposit your assets to a Farm, they start earning points. You should see your effective balance updated as soon as you deposit into the farm. The balances are snapshoted every hour to calculate the amount of points your assets earned for you in the time period.

Effective Balance

The Farms only allocate the points for the effective balance and not the full deposit. The reason for this is that we don't want to allocate the points for the same token multiple times.


If you deposit your assets into a lending pool and those assets are lent to another user, they are earning the FXTL points for that user and can't earn the points for you at the same time.


Each Farm has its own multiplier. The multiplier tells you how many points you are earning compared to the base FXTL points earning rate. The points are earned based on the asset values in the frxUSD.


Depositing 1 frxUSD worth of assets in to a Farm with a multiplier of 10x earns ten times more FXTL points than depositing 1 frxUSD in to a Farm with a multiplier of 1x.

Earning Rate

Flox Farms Dashboard (opens in a new tab) includes your estimated point-earning rate expressed in the FXTL points per hour. You can see them by hovering over the value in the FXTL earned column.

Cummulative data

At the top of the Dashboard, you can find the main estimated values.

Total Points

The Total points value is a sum between already allocated points and the estimated not-yet allocated points.

Pending Points

The Pending points value is the amount of points you have already earned, but haven't been allocated yet.


The Rank value is your current ranking amongst all of the users that have ever earned FXTL points.

Complex Farms

Some of the Farms are more complex than others. While all use the effective balance to calculate the FXTL points earned, some use multiple sources to determine users' balances.

BAMM Farms

The BAMM Farms take into account all possible interactions you could have with BAMM. Lenders and borrowers of the Farm asset, no matter which pool, earn points for their approved assets.